Latex Glove

Product Description


Material : 100% pure Natural Latex without plasticizers. Contain no phthalate Esters and Amide.

Process : Laundered with 0.2 micron filtered high resistivity D.I. water and packed in certified cleanroom environement.

Product NumberSize
Class 10Class 100Class 1000Class 10Class 100Class 1000 
RSL 10RSL 100RSL 1000RSL 20RSL 200RSL 2000XS
RSL 11RSL 101RSL 1001RSL 21RSL 201RSL 2001S
RSL 12RSL 102RSL 1002RSL 22RSL 202RSL 2002M
RSL 13RSL 103RSL 1003RSL 23RSL 203RSL 2003L
RSL 14RSL 104RSL 1004RSL 24RSL 204RSL 2004XL
RSL 15RSL 105RSL 1005RSL 25RSL 205RSL 2005XXL
RSL 16RSL 106RSL 2006RSL 26RSL 206RSL 2006XXXL